Use Case »Export portfolio for art jobs or art schools application« (UC-5)

Contained in use case diagram
Use case diagram for functional requirement »Export portfolio« (UCD-2)
Belongs to functional requirement
FR-8: Export portfolio
Responsible RE-Author(s) for this Artefact
Joel Iyebi
(v1)   2022-07-27 - initially created
Errors, Warnings, Todos
w   w684:

Use Case Header

Title Export portfolio for art jobs or art schools application
Description An artist exports his portfolio for application to a job or art-school.
Primary actor STR-4: Artist
Secondary Actor(s) STR-1: Administrator
Trigger An artist wants to export his portfolio
Precondition artist is logged in into his account and has already created a portfolio
Postcondition artist has successfully exported his portfolio

Main Scenario

  1. artist navigate to the PandArt website and logs into their account
  2. artist navigate to their portfolio page, and clicks on the "export" button on the portfolio
  3. In a dialog pop-up, the artist selects the export type e.g in PDF-Form
  4. The artist selects "download now"
  5. After some few seconds, the artist receives their download and can save it on their PC

Alternative Scenario