Glossary Entry »Product« (GL-16)

A buyable entity in the system (i.e. different furniture and decoration). The specifications of the entity (e.g. like dimensions, color, design) is provided by a vendor. It has a 3D model which can be placed in an end customer's room using the AR system.

Relevance for the planned software system
The products are also a central part in the AR system. These are viewed by the users in AR and later purchased.
Collecting ideas for features of the AR tool and specifiy their importance, also collect goals and stakeholders / system context elements (WS-1). Multiple artifacts.
Interview with »Dennis Neumann« (INT-1). Multiple artifacts.
Responsible RE-Author(s) for this Artefact
Tim Pack, Ali Abdulra, Celina Schulz, und Lydia Vogel
(v1)   2022-03-06 - created initially
Errors, Warnings, Todos
w   w005: More than 3 authors (field 'author') - is that on purpose?