Use Case »Select products from a list« (UC-0)

Belongs to functional requirement
FR-23: Select products from a list (R7)
Responsible RE-Author(s) for this Artefact
Celina Schulz, Tim Pack, Lydia Vogel, und Ali Abdulra
(v1)   2022-08-02 - initially created
(v2)   2022-08-15 - set to Template because of restructuring of use cases
Errors, Warnings, Todos
w   w005: More than 3 authors (field 'author') - is that on purpose?
w   w051: There is no reference for 'secondaryActors'.
w   w680: This use case does not appear on any use case diagram.
w   w682: No alternative scenario specified (block 'alternativeScenario' missing or is empty)! (If this is intentional, you can hide this warning - like all the others - using the 'ignore' field.)

Use Case Header

Title Select products from a list
Description Users can select an available product from a list.
Primary actor STR-1: End customer
Trigger User wants to do operations on a product from the list.
Precondition At least one product needs to be available in the list (the list may not be empty).
Postcondition The selection was made and is available for further operations.

Main Scenario

  1. The user opens the product list in the tool.
  2. The user looks at the available products.
  3. The user decides on a product.
  4. The user clicks on the product to select it.

Exception Scenario